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Must Have Unity Plugins & Why
·336 words·2 mins
I put together this list of awesome tools to highlight not only the coolest Unity tools that are out there but also to highlight the ones I use everyday
LA Unity User Group January 2015
·454 words·3 mins
Recap of the January 2015 LA Unity User Group: Unity 5 update and using Unity with Samsung Gear VR
Notespace, the incredible journey!
·2051 words·10 mins
Talking about the Notespace Beat; an interactive musical activity book for girls made in Unity3D. The challenges and god sends we found along the way.


Unity and the Kindle Fire HDX... a Christmas story!
·1106 words·6 mins
Problems with publishing to the Kindle Fire HDX device from Unity and how to solve this crash bug as well as Unity Android publishing tips.
Adding the Dolby API to your Unity Project
·1475 words·7 mins
Check out how to add the Dolby API to you Unity Android project. Quick, easy and really effective, complete with implementation code.
Unity & MonoDevelop 4 Woes
·613 words·3 mins
Switching back to the old MonoDevelop from MonoDevelop 4 which ships with the latest version of Unity.
LA Unity User Group with Zhenping Guo from Unity China
·339 words·2 mins
Using Unity To Localize Games In China by Zhenping Guo
Unity Text Solutions (Text Mesh, 2D Tool Kit, NGUI and ex2D)
·1393 words·7 mins
A deep investigation into the best Unity text tool/s to use for your game projects. We cover Unity’s Text Mesh, NGUI, 2D Tool Kit and ex2D.
Locking layers in the Unity scene
·204 words·1 min
Learn how to quickly lock layers in Unity to lock assets in place for layout.
Getting around the Mac as a PC
·453 words·3 mins
In this article, I take a look at tools and ways to get used to working on a Mac when coming from Windows.